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Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini.

1. Since the divorce, she has become very sad. But I think she'll _____________ her new life.

2. When I was a child, I _____________ games with my friends in a big field near our house.

3. I ______________ in the back of the classroom, but now I prefer to sit in the front row.

4. Giri and I are from different cultures. Giri _______________ for breakfast. I _________________ for breakfast.

5. Mr. Anim _________________ in Finland, but now he lives in Indonesia.

6. Don't worry, John ______________ for long hours. He has worked as a professional driver for 20 years.

7. I can’t ________________ up so early. I’m tired  all the time.

8. Mr. Tajib’s job requires him to travel extensively throughout the world. He ________________ by plane.

9. I ____________ meat, but I became vegetarian five years ago.

10. Mrs. Husna ________________ all of the laundry and cooking for her family. Now the children are older and Mrs. Husna has gone back to teaching, so the whole family shares these household chores.



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