Exercise! Subjunctive

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1. The teacher demanded that the student ______ the class.

2. She intends to move that the committee ________ discussion on this issue.

3. I advise you _______ the prerequisites before registering for this course.

4. His father prefers that he _______ a different university.

5. It was urgent that he ______ her immediately.

6. She ______ that we find another alternative.

7. It was very _______ that we delay discussion.

8. The faculty stipulated that the rule _____ abolished.

9. The king ______ that the new laws take effect the following month.

10. I _______ that you stop this rally.


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6 thoughts on “Exercise! Subjunctive”

    1. yec co id

      Hi Abdul,

      Betul sekali verb nya ‘intends’, dan ‘intends’ termasuk ke dalam daftar kata ‘Subjunctive’, oleh karenanya pola kalimatnya mengikuti pola ‘Subjunctive’, untuk mengetahui masing-masing pola kalimat ‘Subjunctive’ silakan baca materi dari exercise ini ya.


  1. safira virgina

    Why ‘abolished’ is paired with ‘be’ ? I think the pair of ‘abolished’ is ‘was’ because ‘abolished’ is a verb. I have learned the article but i haven’t understood yet

    1. yec co id

      Hi Safira,

      Digunakan “be” karena mengikuti pola kalimat untuk Subjunctive (kalimat tersebut dapat terindikasi sebagai Subjunctive karena menggunakan kata kerja “stipulate”, pola kalimatnya “Subject + verb (tergantung tenses) + that + subject + [verb in simple form]/(V1)… ” Maka setelah subject “the rule” kemudian diikuti bentuk kata kerja asli (V1) dari “be” = be. Penggunaannya hampir sama dengan infinitif (to v1).

    1. yec co id

      Hi Iqbal,

      Silakan akses artikel kami yang berjudul Subjunctive yang linknya terdapat pada bagian awal artikel ini, atau gunakan fasilitas pencarian (search) ketikkan Subjunctive. Disitu terdapat penjelasan mengenai materi Subjunctive, dan kamu dapat mempelajarinya.

      Terima kasih

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