Exercise! Phrasal Verbs 1 (go in, ran off, run away, etc)

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Phrasal Verbs 1 (go in, ran off, run away, etc)

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1. She _________ the job because it involved too much travelling.

2. ________ your clothes. We are going to go  out.

3. I found these photos while I was _________ my cupboards.

4. Firefighters have been called to _________ the fire in the city centre.

5. When we ________ how much it cost us to run a car, we decided to sell it.

6. The scaffolding prevents the building from ________ .

7. Let's _________ this discussion at some other time.

8. I ________ at the wrong stop and had to wait for another bus.

9. If you have a problem with anything I have told you, then ________ now.

10. The lights ________ in several villages because of the storm.


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6 thoughts on “Exercise! Phrasal Verbs 1 (go in, ran off, run away, etc)”

    1. yec co id

      Hi Aan,

      Untuk “Phrasal Verbs” pasangan kata kerja yang sama terkadang memiliki lebih dari satu makna, tergantung konteks kalimat juga. Untuk lebih jelasnya, Kamu bisa membuka kamus Cambridge atau Oxford. Cari makna dari phrasal verbs tersebut. Semangat.


    1. yec co id

      Hi Alma,

      Phrasal verbs memang agak unik, pasalnya, kamu harus mengetahui maknanya, sementara kombinasi tiap kata kerja dan dengan preposisi yang berbeda memiliki makna berbeda. Intinya, phrasal verbs ini memang harus dihapal dan harus sering dipraktekkan sehari-sehari penggunaannya.

      Kamu juga bisa baca sedikit tentang materinya pada link yang berada di bagian atas artikel ini dengan judul “Phrasal Verbs 1 (go in, ran off, run away, etc)

      Happy learning

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