Lowongan PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC): Ditutup 16 Februari 2024

Loker KCIC – PT KCIC menjadi bagian dari masyarakat Indonesia untuk membangun lebih dari sekadar transportasi dan menawarkan lebih dari sekadar bisnis dengan menciptakan harmonisasi dan kombinasi transportasi dan integrasi regional secara berkelanjutan.

Berdiri pada Oktober 2015, PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) merupakan perusahaan patungan antara konsorsium Badan Usaha Milik Negara Indonesia (BUMN) melalui PT Pilar Sinergi BUMN Indonesia (PSBI) dan konsorsium perusahaan perkeretaapian Tiongkok melalui Beijing Yawan HSR Co.Ltd, dengan bisnis utama di sektor transportasi publik dengan skema business to business (B2B). Hadir untuk mengembangkan infrastruktur transportasi massal perkeretaapian tanah air, PT KCIC saat ini merupakan pemilik proyek Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung yang merupakan salah satu Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) pemerintah Indonesia sesuai dengan Perpres No. 3/2016.

Selain pengembangan infrastruktur transportasi publik, PT KCIC turut berupaya menunjang peningkatan produktivitas masyarakat di sepanjang trase kereta cepat melalui pengembangan kawasan terintegrasi atau Transit Oriented Development (TOD) di setiap area stasiun yakni Halim, Karawang, Padalarang, dan Tegalluar. Konsep TOD yang dipadukan dengan kereta cepat diyakini dapat meningkatkan kemudahan akses wilayah, sehingga mampu mengakselerasi pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah sekitar.

Berikut posisi yang dibutuhkan dengan sebagaimana ketentuan sebagai berikut:

Senior Officer Mobile Apps Programmer


  1. Minimum Diploma 3 or University graduates, preferably in Informatics Engineering
  2. Good computer literate, Windows & Microsoft Office
  3. Minimum 2 years experiences in developing and implementing Mobile Applications, or Web Application
  4. In-depth knowledge of at least one programming language such as Swift, Kotlin, React Native, and Flutter.
  5. Good understanding of SQL Server or Oracle Database, RDBMS, ETL, and Programming (MS Visual Studio C#, PHP or Javascrip).

Facility Maintenace Safety Incpector


  1. Minimum education Diploma 3/Engineering Bachelor’s Degree
  2. Have experience regarding MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) min. 3 years
  3. Have knowledge related to Safety, HIRADC/JSA, Safety Inspection, Emergency Response Plan, Investigation.
  4. Preferably have knowledge of railways
  5. Preferably have B/C level Fire Officer certification or General K3 Expert
  6. Able to operate AutoCAD and MS. Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
  7. Able to work under pressure and willing to work outside working hours
  8. Have good communication skills

Environment Safety Incpector


  1. Minimum education Diploma 3/Engineering Bachelor’s Degree
  2. Have experience in the environmental min. 3 years
  3. Have knowledge or have been involved in preparing environmental documents, Waste Management, HIRADC/JSA, Environment Inspection, Emergency Response Plan, Investigation.
  4. Preferably have knowledge of railways
  5. Preferably have certification related to the environment / General K3 Expert
  6. Able to operate MS. Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) and AutoCAD
  7. Able to work under pressure and willing to work outside working hours
  8. Have good communication skills

Auditor 1

Requirements :

  1. Formal education at least undergraduate from a university with accreditation A / Excellent or recognized by the company
  2. Have experience as an Audit at least 4 years
  3. Have a valid and recognized internal audit certification
  4. Fluent in English both spoken and written
  5. Have good communication and presentation skills

Senior Officer Internal Audit

Requirements :

  1. Formal education at least undergraduate from a university with accreditation A / Excellent or recognized by the company
  2. Have experience as an Audit at least 4 years
  3. Fluent in English both spoken and written
  4. Have good communication and presentation skills

Officer HR Organization Development


  1. Bachelor degree education majoring in Law, English, human resources, or equivalent
  2. Minimum 1 year working experience
  3. Fluent in English as proved by official test certificate
  4. Experienced in the human resources of planning and policy is prioritized

Officer Accounting

Requirements :

  1. Candidate must possess at least a diploma in Accounting, with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  2. Fresh graduates are very welcome, nice to have working experience in accounting
  3. Minimum 20 years old and maximum 30 years old at the time of application
  4. Unmarried is preferable
  5. Proficient in using Microsoft Excell application and preferably using applications according to the field of finance
  6. Have a tax brevet certificate A & B
  7. Able to work as individual or as a team

Trainee Of Permanent Way Technician


  1. Maximum age 35 years old
  2. Minimum D3 education with requirements:
  3. Major: Civil Engineering or equivalent
  4. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (three point zero) from a university that has a department / study program accreditation at the time of graduation of at least “Excellent (B)” from BAN-PT or a graduate of a railway university with a major in building and railroad engineering.
  5. Freshgraduate are welcome to apply
  6. Gender is preferably male
  7. No Color Blindness & Normal BMI
  8. Good English language skills, being able to speak mandarin is an added value
  9. Willing to work shifting and placed according to company policy

Trainee Of Signaling Technician


  1. Maximum age 35 years old
  2. Minimum D3 education with requirements:
  3. Major: Electrical engineering or Network Engineering or equivalent
  4. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (three point zero) from a university that has a department / study program accreditation at the time of graduation of at least “Excellent (B)” from BAN-PT or a graduate of a railway university with a major in railway electrical technology.
  5. Freshgraduate are welcome to apply.
  6. Gender is preferably male
  7. No Color Blindness & Normal BMI
  8. Good English language skills, being able to speak mandarin is an added value
  9. Willing to work shifting and placed according to company policy

Trainee Of Telecommunication Technician

Requirements :

  1. Maximum age 35 years old
  2. Minimum D3 education with requirements:
  3. Major: Electrical Engineering or related
  4. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (three point zero) from a university that has a department / study program accreditation at the time of graduation of at least “Excellent (B)” from BAN-PT or a graduate of a railway university with a major in railway electrical technology.
  5. Freshgraduate are welcome to apply
  6. Gender is preferably male
  7. No Color Blindness & Normal BMI
  8. Good English language skills, being able to speak mandarin is an added value
  9. Willing to work shifting and placed according to company policy

Officer General Affair


  1. Minimum Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in all majors
  2. Have 1 year experience in general affair, fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  3. Have competence and knowledge in building facility maintenance management and administration.
  4. Committed to administration and logistics work
  5. Good interpersonal and communication skills
  6. Have a good working knowledge of administrative procedures and the ability to perform administrative tasks efficiently and in accordance with the organization’s regulations
  7. Flexibile and able to work well independently and as a team member
Trainee Of EMU Maintenance Technician

Requirements :

  1. Maximum age 35 years old
  2. Minimum D3 education with requirements:
  3. Major: Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Railways, Transportation Management, Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Shipbuilding Engineering, Energy Conversion Engineering.
  4. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (three point zero) from a university that has a department / study program accreditation at the time of graduation of at least “Excellent (B)” from BAN-PT or a graduate of a railway university with a major in Railway Mechanics Technology or Railway Electrical Technology.
  5. freshgraduate are welcome to apply.
  6. Gender preferably male
  7. No Color Blindness & Normal BMI
  8. Good English language skills, being able to speak mandarin is an added value
  9. Willing to work shifting and placed according to company policy
Trainee Of Heavy Machinery Technician

Requirements :

  1. Maximum age 35 years old
  2. Minimum D3 education with requirements:
  3. Major: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent
  4. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (three point zero) from a university that has a department / study program accreditation at the time of graduation of at least “Excellent (B)” from BAN-PT or a graduate of a railway university with a major in Railway Mechanics Technology or Railway Electrical Technology
  5. Freshgraduates are welcome to apply
  6. Gender is preferably male
  7. No Color Blindness & Normal BMI
  8. Good English language skills, being able to speak mandarin is an added value
  9. Willing to work shifting and placed according to company policy

Trainee Of Power Supply Technician


  1. Maximum age 35 years old
  2. Minimum D3 education with requirements:
  3. Major: Electrical Engineering or equivalent
  4. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (three point zero) from a university that has a department / study program accreditation at the time of graduation of at least “Excellent (B)” from BAN-PT or a graduate of a railway university with a major in railway electrical technology.
  5. Freshgraduate are welcome to apply.
  6. Gender is preferably male
  7. No Color Blindness & Normal BMI
  8. Good English language skills, being able to speak mandarin is an added value
  9. Willing to work shifting and placed according to company policy

Mandarin Interpreter

Requirements :

  1. Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical / Civil / Mechanical Engineering / Hospitality /Psychology / Chinese Language
  2. At least 2 years of working experience as an interpreter or in the related field
  3. Translate/Interpreter, Coordination, Team Work, Good Communication, Adaptability, independent, etc
  4. Disciplined, easy to communicate and well organized
  5. Able to work in a fast-paced environment and resolve issues efficiently and effectively
  6. Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia, Mandarin (HSK 4), English (must have good writing, reading, listening and speaking skills)

Officer Internal Audit

Requirements :

  1. Have a formal education of at least a third diploma or a bachelor’s degree recognized by the company.
  2. Have good analytical skills and able to operate Ms. Office
  3. Fluent in English both spoken and written
  4. Able to work individually or as part of a team

Langkah-Langkah Pendaftaran

  1. Pelamar bisa melakukan pendaftaran paling lambat 16 Februari 2024 pada link
  2. Diharapkan untuk seluruh peserta melampirkan scan KTP, daftar riwayat hidup, ijazah, transkrip nilai, dan sertifikat hasil tes TOEFL. 
  3. Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai tata cara pendaftaran bisa kalian cek di sini

Selama proses seleksi peserta tidak dipungut biaya apapun, hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang diproses dan Keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.Jika Sobat terkendala dalam sertifikat kompetensi Bahasa Inggris karena prosesnya yang lama, YEC sediakan solusinya untuk Sobat YEC sekalian. YEC memiliki Tes TOEFL Prediksi Online yang dapat diakses kapan pun dan dari mana pun Sobat berada, sehingga Sobat tak perlu meluangkan waktu dan tenaga untuk menunggu jadwal tes dan mendatangi lokasi tes. Tak hanya itu, sertifikat digital hasil tes Sobat akan tersedia secara instan sesaat setelah Sobat menyelesaikan tes. Solusi yang tepat bagi Sobat yang mengejar waktu untuk melamar lowongan ini bukan?Kenapa Anda harus pilih English Proficiency Online Test dari YEC?

✅ SPECIAL PRICE: Kami akan senang jika Anda senang, kami selalu berusaha menghadirkan tes berkualitas untuk memudahkan Anda yang memiliki kesibukan cukup menguras waktu dengan memberikan harga yang ekonomis.

✅ BERPENGALAMAN : Yureka Education Center (YEC) melayani sertifikat prediksi TOEFL ribuan pendaftar CPNS pada tahun 2018 sampai 2023.User berhasil lolos seleksi administrasi berkas untuk instansi berikut :

  • Pemprov DKI
  • Kementerian PUPR
  • Kemenristekdikti
  • Kemenpan RB
  • BKN Kantor Regional
  • Kementerian ESDM
  • Kejagung
  • Kementerian Perhubungan
  • Kementerian BUMN
  • Kementerian Pariwisata
  • Kementerian PPPA
  • Kemenko PMK
  • BNPT
  • Kemenlu
  • Mahkamah Agung
  • Disnakertrans Jawa Tengah
  • BKN Pusat
  • Kemenkominfo
  • FHCI BUMN 2019

✅ TRANSAKSI AMAN DAN TERPERCAYA : Telah berpartner secara profesional. Pembayaran bisa menggunakan gopay, ke kasir indomaret, atau transfer bank.

✅ BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE: Anda setiap saat dilayani oleh customer service kami yang ramah. Silakan hubungi melalui email [email protected]

✅ SUBSIDI ONGKIR RP. 5.000,- KE SELURUH INDONESIA: Di mana pun lokasi Anda, akan otomatis mendapatkan subsidi ongkir pengiriman sertifikat fisik sebesar Rp. 5.000,- setiap pembelian.

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