Contoh Idiom dan Maknanya

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Referensi Video: Belajar Idiom – Take a Rain Check


Idiom merupakan kumpulan kata yang memiliki makna tertentu, yang maknanya akan menjadi salah jika diartikan kata perkata.

Idiom dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti ungkapan dan contohnya seperti ringan tangan, membanting tulang, gelap mata, dll.

Contoh Idiom dan Maknanya

Berikut merupakan beberapa contoh idiom dalam bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan kata rain beserta maknanya.

  • Take a rain check


  • Kim: Ann, would you like to accompany me to go to movie?

Ann: I’d love too, but I have so many tasks to do. Can I take a rain check?

  • Meaning: is used to refuse an offer in a polite way, implying that you may accept it in the future.
  • Arti : digunakan untuk menolak tawaran dengan sopan, dan mengindikasikan bahwa kamu mungkin akan menerima tawaran tersebut di masa yang akan datang.


  • Rain on someone’s parade


  • I don’t want to rain on your parade, but you can’t go to the beach on Friday, you promised you’d look after your sister.
  • Meaning: to do or say something that spoils someone’s plans or draws attention to the negative aspects of their plans.
  • Arti : melakukan atau mengatakan sesuatu yang dapat merusak rencana seseorang.


  • It’s raining cats and dogs


  • I think I’m going to stay in today and watch movies. It’s raining cats and dogs.
  • Meaning: It’s raining very hard.
  • Arti : Hujan sangat deras.


  • It never rains but it pours


  • First he got locked out of his house, then he lost his mobile phone and when he was crossing the road he got splashed by a car. It never rains but it pours!
  • Meaning: is used to comment on a situation that when something bad happens usually other bad things happen as well.
  • Arti : digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kejadian buruk yang terjadi yang kemudian diikuti kejadian buruk lainnya.


  • Save it for a rainy day


  • I earned extra money by taking a part-time job. I’ll save it for a rainy day.
  • Meaning: keep something for a time when it is needed.
  • Arti : menyimpan sesuatu contoh uang yang bisa digunakan pada saat yang diperlukan.

Nah, kamu sudah mengetahui tentang beberapa contoh idiom dan maknanya. Sekarang kerjakan exercise berikut untuk memperkaya pengetahuan kamu tentang idiom.

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1. When I came to your house I saw your sister was shouting. She really had a face like thunder.

2. I feel so lucky that I am invited to Rian’s party. It’s raining men here.

3. I think I’m not going to the Sue’s party tonight. I feel a bit under the weather.

4. Brian is no oil painting but he has many girlfriends.

5. Bob is not a very smart student. He gets a good mark once in a blue moon.

6. The concert was mind-blowing.

7. Look at Lucy in that dress, she really stole the bride’s thunder.

8. I know that you don’t like the recent job, but it’s better for you to keep working. You know every cloud has a silver lining.

9. Do you think it is me who tell your father that you smoke at school? Well dude, you’re barking up the wrong tree.

10. It has happened. Don’t cry over a spilt milk.


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