Exercise! A few, few vs A Little, Little

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Ini adalah latihan dari materi

Perbedaan Penggunaan A FEW dan FEW; A LITTLE dan LITTLE

Lengkapilah kalimat dibawah ini dengan a few, few, a little, atau litte.

1. I don’t like a lot of salt on my food. I add ________ salt to my food.

2. The teacher teaches very clearly. As a result, ________ students had questions at the end of the class period.

3. Margaret likes sweet tea. She usually adds _________ honey to her tea.

4. Because the family is very poor, the children have ___________ clothes.

5. Every day Max goes to his mailbox, but it is usually empty. He gets _______ mail.

6. I was hungry, so I ate _________ nuts.

7. I have to go to post office because I have __________ letters to mail.

8. My parents give up on sweet food, so they add _____________ milk to their coffee.

9. I think you could use some help. Let me give you _________ advice.

10. ___________ days ago I met a very interesting person.




Merasa jawaban benar tapi dianggap salah? Sampaikan sanggahan di kolom komentar

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14 thoughts on “Exercise! A few, few vs A Little, Little”

    1. yec co id

      Hi Astatia,

      Sudahkah kamu baca materi A few, few vs A little, little? Jika belum, silakan dikepoin yaa, penjelasan ada di artikel tersebut.

      Terima kasih

        1. yec co id

          Hi Muhammad Iqbal,

          Artikelnya ada di web ini juga, silakan langsung gunakan fasilitas pencarian, atau bisa dilihat pada kategori “Belajar Bahasa Inggris” ya.

          Terima kasih..

    1. yec co id

      Halo Indri,

      Penjelasan ada pada materi terkait, silakan lihat penjelasan penggunaan pada artikel Perbedaan Penggunaan A few dan few; A little dan little.

      Terima Kasih

  1. What’s the distinction between clothes and clothing? In my perspective, clothing is similar to clothes. If clothes have the same meaning as clothing, therefore, clothing should belongs to some common noncount nouns and the answer of no. 10 supposes to be d (little).

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