Perbedaan a an dan the

Exercise! Penggunaan a/an dan the

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Penggunaan a/an dan the

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Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini.

1. Chris has an evening job as ____ office cleaner.

2. Don't sit on that bag. You'll squash ____ sandwiches.

3. There was ____ sudden loud noise.

4. Suddenly ____ dog ran out into the road in front of us.

5. There is ____ old building in front of my grandmother’s house.

6. The customer said she'd like this coat if it was ____ nicer colour.

7. Take one tablet three times ____ day.

8. My manager suggested me to read ____ book every two weeks.

9. We had to paint ____ apartment before we sold it.

10. She wants to be ___ doctor when she grows up.


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