Exercise! Penggunaan Across, Over atau Through

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Penggunaan Across, Over atau Through

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini.

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1. When my cat runs ______ long grass, it’s difficult to find him.

2. _______ the room, he could see some old friends. She got up and went to join them.

3. Emily and Catherine walked slowly ______ the woods.

4. Could you put some clingfilm _______ the salad?

5. She pulled the duvet _______ her head to try to shut out the light.

6. ______ the country, people are coming out to vote for a new president.

7. Suddenly a plane flew ______ and dropped hundreds of leaflets.

8. The library is just _______ the road.

9. The pharmacy is _______ from the City Hall.

10. She had just enough energy to get _______ the day.


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