Exercise! Penggunaan Possessive Apostrophes

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Penggunaan Possessive Apostrophes

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1. I'm sure my views on marriage are coloured by__________ .

2. When I think of the stories I read as a child, I remember ______________.

3. Simon has a clear-sighted vision of the__________ .

4. Annoying music escaped from__________ .

5. The moon's rays shone feebly on the path, and I heard _______________ .

6. ________ covered surface did not invite Brandi to swim.

7. ________ typed the password too quickly for Charly to catch.

8. The alarm ________ startled Clark awake.

9. The fox had its right foreleg caught securely in the_________ .

10. ________ jiggled while Professor Caldero explained the plagiarism penalties for the research essay.


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