Exercise! Perbedaan Penggunaan As, Because or Since

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Perbedaan Penggunaan As, Because or Since

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini.

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1. I’m laughing _______ I’m so happy.

2. I didn't tell her that he was late ________I didn't want to cause her any alarm.

3. _______ everything can be done from home with computers and telephones, there’s no need to dress up for work any more.

4. I went to Spain last summer ________ I wanted the guarantee of sunshine on every day of my holiday.

5. She stands a good chance, ________ only two people are contesting the seat and the other candidate is very unpopular.

6. She spoke quietly _______ she didn’t want Emily to hear.

7. I went home earlier ______ I was sick.

8. I hope they had decided to come ______ I wanted to hear about their New York trip.

9. I asked the teacher if I could be excused from football practice _______ my knee still hurt.

10. I'd frayed the edges of my jeans _______ that was the fashion in those days.


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3 thoughts on “Exercise! Perbedaan Penggunaan As, Because or Since”

  1. Ghiffany Zahra

    Boleh tau kak apa perbedaan soal “I went to Spain last summer _______ I wanted the guarantee….” sm ” I hope they had decided to come____ I wanted to hear…” karena kedua kunci jawabannya berbeda.

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