Exercise! Perbedaan Penggunaan Person, Persons, People, dan Peoples

Ini adalah kuis dari materi Perbedaan Penggunaan Person, Persons, People, and Peoples Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini.

1. The Canadians are a _______ who enjoy nature and spending time outside.

2. There are twenty _______ in my English class.

3. The _______ of the world practice a wide variety of religions.

4. Five ______ were interviewed for the job, but only one person had the right qualifications and experience.

5. She’s a _______ I have a lot of respect for.

6. Who’s the most famous _______ you’ve ever interviewed on TV?

7. Catherine is such a nice ______ .

8. There are ten ______ in my house.

9. He is a kind ______ .

10. The _______ of the world must unite to tackle climate change.


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