Exercise! Present Continuous Tense Interogatif W/H

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini agar menjadi kalimat present continuous tense Interogatif W/H question yang tepat.

1. What ____ your mother ______ ?

2. Where ____ the children _____ ?

3. What ____ your little brother _____ ?

4. Why ____ she ______ a letter?

5. What ____ Ethan _____ ?

6. Where ____ they ______ ?

7. Why ____ your brother and your sister _____ their clothes?

8. What ____ Emily _____ ?

9. Why ____ you ______ a hat?

10. What ____ they _____ ?


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