Exercises! Simple Present Tense

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Lengkapilah kalimat rumpang dibawah ini dengan bentuk kata kerja Simple Present Tense yang tepat.

1. I _______ an umbrella. I wear a waterproof hat on rainy days.

2. She ___________ up early on Sundays.

3. Most animals _______ only for food.

4. The Browns _______ the dentist once a year.

5. He always _______ a sandwich for lunch.

6. What ______ Denis ______ every day before you come to school.

7. ______ you okay? ______ you ______ to see a doctor?

8. I can’t afford that necklace. It _______ too much.

9. Their favourite drinks _______ hot chocolate milk, orange juice, and milkshake.

10. Susan dan her sister ________ at the same bank.



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