Ingin tahu tentang:

  • belajar passive voice
  • fungsi passive voice
  • passive voice formula
  • passive voice exercise
  • passive voice tenses

Di bawah ini merupakan materi mengenai Passive Voice lengkap dengan contoh kalimat dan latihan soalnya.

Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini:

  • Emily helps the boy.
  • The boy is helped by Emily.

Kalimat The boy is helped by Emily merupakan contoh kalimat pasif. Scroll down untuk mempelajari kalimat pasif lebih mendalam yaaa..

Definisi dan Fungsi

Sebuah kalimat bisa dalam bentuk aktif maupun pasif. Pada kalimat aktif, subject nya melakukan tindakan, sebaliknya pada kalimat pasif subject nya dikenai tindakan.

Membuat Bentuk Pasif

Untuk merubah bentuk aktif ke bentuk pasif, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini.

  1. Tempatkan complement dari kalimat aktif pada awal kalimat pasif.
  2. Jika ada auxiliary pada kalimat aktif, letakkan auxiliary tepat setelah subject (sesuaikan subject verb agreement nya).
  3. Letakkan verb ‘be’ setelah auxiliary sesuai bentuk awal kata kerja utama pada kalimat aktif.
  4. Letakkan kata kerja utama pada kalimat aktif setelah setelah auxiliary dan be dalam bentuk past participle.
  5. Letakkan subjek dari kalimat aktif langsung setelah kata kerja pada kalimat pasif diawali dengan preposisi ‘by’ (‘by’ dapat dihilangkan jika tidak penting atau telah dimengerti dengan baik).

Urutan Kata yang Mungkin untuk Passive Voice

Berikut ini merupakan bentuk perubahan dari kalimat aktif ke kalimat pasif pada berbagai macam tenses lengkap dengan contoh kalimatnya. Pelajari satu per satu.

Simple Present atau Simple Past



are + [ verb dalam past participle] (verb 3)




Active Passive
Christine helps Emily. Emily is helped by Christine.
Hurricanes destroy a great deal of property. A great deal of property is destroyed by hurricanes.
The tornado destroyed thirty houses. Thirty houses were destroyed by the tornado.


Present Continuous atau Past Continuous



are +  being  + [verb dalam past participle]/(verb 3)




Active Passive
Christine is helping Emily. Emily is being helped by Christine.
The committee is considering several new proposals. Several new proposals are being considered by the committee.
The committee was considering several new proposals. Several new proposals were being considered by the committee.


Present Perfect atau Past Perfect


have +  been  + [verb dalam past participle]/(verb 3)



Active Passive
Christine has helped Emily. Emily has been helped by Christine.
The company has ordered some new equipment. Some new equipment has been ordered by the company.
The company had ordered some new equipment. Some new equipment had been ordered by the company.


Modal    + be  + [verb dalam past participle]/(verb 3)


Active Passive
Christine will help Emily. Emily will be helped by Christine.
The manager should sign these contracts today. These contracts should be signed by the manager today.


Modals + Perfect

Modal    + have     + been +  [verb dalam past participle]/(verb 3)


Active Passive
Christine will have helped Emily. Emily will have been helped by Christine.
Somebody should have called the president this morning. The president should have been called this morning.

Nah, kamu sudah lebih paham tentang passive voice kan? Sekarang kerjakan latihan soalnya pada link di bawah ini, dan jika ada pertanyaan tuliskan pada kolom komentar yaaa.

Exercise! Passive Voice

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