Rumus, Contoh, dan Latihan Soal Past Continuous Tense


Past Continuous Tense atau biasa disebut juga sebagai Past Progressive Tense adalah aturan pembentukan kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang tengah / sedang terjadi sebelum dan setelah waktu tertentu pada masa lampau.


Past Continuous Tense atau Past Progressive Tense digunakan
  • untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang tengah / sedang terjadi sebelum dan setelah waktu tertentu pada masa lampau
  • contoh: Sekarang pukul 16.00, Emily sedang menonton Tv. Pada pukul 14.00 Emily tidak sedang menonton Tv, tetapi sedang bermain bulutangkis, maka bisa disimpulkan bahwa Emily mulai bermain bulutangkis sebelum pukul 14.00, sedang bermain pada pukul 14.00, dan masih bermain setelah pukul 14.00.
  • Maka dalam bahasa Inggris situasi di atas dapat diungkapkan sebagai berikut: Pukul 14.00, Emily sedang bermain bulutangkis. Emily tidak sedang menonton Tv. At 14.00, Emily was playing badminton. She wasn’t watching Tv.


Berikut ini merupakan rumus atau pola kalimat dari past continuous tense Subject + was / were + verb1 + ing + complement Subject : I, you, we, they, she, he, it was → digunakan untuk subject I, she, he, it were → digunakan untuk subject you, we, they Contoh:
  • At 4.00 o’clock, Emma was watching television.
  • The children were playing football at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.

Lebih Lanjut

Rumus dan contoh di atas adalah past continuous tense bentuk positif, selain itu past continuous tense bisa berbentuk:
  • negatif (menggunakan not)
  • interogatif (kalimat tanya), dan
  • gabungan dari Past Continuous Tense dan Past Tense
Rumus dan contoh kalimatnya dapat kamu lihat di bawah ini.

Past Continuous Tense Negatif

Ciri utama dari bentuk kalimat ini adalah adanya not yang terletak diantara be dan verb+ing Subject + was / were + not + verb1 + ing + complement Subject : I, you, we, they, she, he, it was → digunakan untuk subject I, she, he, it were → digunakan untuk subject you, we, they Contoh:
  • I wasn’t doing anything at three o’clock.
  • They weren’t playing football at two o’clock yesterday afternoon.

Past Continuous Tense Interogatif

Ada dua macam bentuk pertanyaan, yaitu
  • Yes/No question
  • W/H question
Berikut ini merupakan masing-masing penjelasannya.

Past Continuous Tense Interogatif Yes/No Question

Untuk pertanyaan dengan jawaban ya/tidak, cukup letakkan was / were diikuti subject dan verb+ing di awal kalimat. Was / Were + Subject + verb1 + ing + complement Subject : I, you, we, they, she, he, it was → digunakan untuk subject I, she, he, it were → digunakan untuk subject you, we, they Contoh:
  • Were you sleeping at 13.00 yesterday afternoon?
  • Was he sleeping at 13.00 yesterday afternoon?

Past Continuous Tense Interogatif  W/H Question

Untuk pertanyaan dengan jawaban ya/tidak, cukup letakkan W/H question sebelum was / were diikuti subject dan verb+ing di awal kalimat. W/H + was / were + Subject + verb1 + ing Subject : I, you, we, they, she, he, it was → digunakan untuk subject I, she, he, it were → digunakan untuk subject you, we, they Contoh:
  • What were you doing at 11 o’clock yesterday?
  • What was she doing at 11 o’clock yesterday?

Past Continuous Tense & Past Tense

Past Continuous Tense sering digunakan secara bersamaan dengan Past Tense. Ketika dua tenses ini digunakan secara bersamaan, berarti
  • Past Continuous Tense mendeskripsikan kegiatan yang berlangsung lebih lama, atau situasi yang menjadi latar (background) sesuatu tindakan atau kegiatan yang lain.
  • Past Tense mendeskripsikan aksi (tindakan) yang terjadi pada masa lampau.
  • Seringnya dihubungkan dengan kata when
  • I was walking home when I saw two angry men. – yang menjadi latar dan aktivitas yang lebih lama dilakukan adalah past continuous (was walking = sedang berjalan) kemudian suatu aksi yang lain terjadi (I saw = saya melihat). – Untuk lebih memudahkan  bisa digunakan pertanyaan semacam ini Apa yang dilakukan I ketika saw two angry men? Jawab: was walking (menjadi background )
Pola kalimatnya menjadi: Past Continuous Tense +    Conjunction + Past Tense

Contoh Kalimat

Berikut ini adalah contoh penggunaan kalimat Past Continuous Tense


Kalimat nya tidak mengandung kata not
  • She was taking a bath at 8.30 last night.
  • I was reading a book when you came.
  • They were staying at a hotel at 14.00 yesterday afternoon.
  • My little brother was drawing a picture at 8 o’clock in the morning.


Kalimat ini mengandung kata not
  • I was not going to a new school.
  • She was not taking a picture at 10 yesterday morning.
  • They were not walking to the market when you came.
  • My brother was not going to clean his room at 3.30 yesterday afternoon.


Penggunaan dalam kalimat tanya. Terdapat kalimat tanya yes/no dan W/H, perhatikan penggunaan was / were pada masing-masing kalimat.

Yes/No Question

was / were berada pada awal kalimat diikuti subject dan verb+ing
  • Were you watching television at 10.00 last night?
  • Was she going to the shop at 8.20 yesterday morning?
  • Were the children playing volleyball at 10 o’clock in the morning?

W/H Question

was / were berada setelah W/H kemudian diikuti subject dan verb+ing
  • What were they doing when you came home?
  • Where was your mother going at 10 in the morning?
  • Who were you talking to at the bus stop yesterday afternoon?
  • What were you eating when we came?

Past Continuous Tense & Past Tense

Penggunaan Past Continuous dan Simple Past tense secara bersamaan dalam satu kalimat majemuk.
  • What was your sister doing when you came home?
  • They were swimming when you came.
  • She was cleaning the whiteboard when the teacher came into the class.

Demikian adalah artikel mengenai definisi, kegunaan, rumus, contoh dan latihan soal dari Past Continuous Tense.

Exercise! Past Continuous Tense Positif

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini agar menjadi kalimat past continuous tense positif yang tepat.

1. The children __________ their lunch at 1.30 yesterday afternoon.

2. My brothers __________ a picture.

3. He _________ a letter at 9.30 last night.

4. We _________ our room at three o’clock.

5. At 9.30 yesterday morning, my mother __________ a cake.

6. At 5.30 yesterday, Emily __________ in the swimming pool.

7. In 1999, we __________ in Australia.

8. My brother and my father __________ some books at 8 o’clock.

9. I _________ at 10.30 last night.

10. Yesterday at the church, she ___________ a skirt.


Ingin menguji pemahaman lebih lanjut? Masih ada 4 latihan soal tentang Past Continuous Tense yang bisa kamu kerjakan. Silakan lanjut ke halaman kedua

Exercise! Past Continuous Tense Negatif

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini agar menjadi kalimat past continuous tense negatif yang tepat.

1. They _________ cake at eight o’clock last night.

2. Yesterday at home, my brothers ________ a picture.

3. In 1999, we _________ in Canada.

4. She _________ a letter at 8.00 last night.

5. At eight o’clock on Saturday morning, the children _________.

6. It _________ at three o’clock.

7. I _________ television at three o’clock yesterday afternoon.

8. Yesterday at church, she __________ a hat.

9. At six o’clock on Sunday morning, we _________ anything.

10. I __________ math at eight o’clock last night.


Klik halaman selanjutnya untuk menuju exercise selanjutnya. Kamu harus menyelesaikan seluruh exercise untuk meraih badges “Past Continuous Tense Master”

Exercise! Past Continuous Tense Interogatif Y/N

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini agar menjadi kalimat past continuous tense Interogatif Yes/No question yang tepat.

1. _____ Clark ______ a suit yesterday?

2. _____ they _____ television at 10.30 last night?

3. _____ Ann _____ at your house at 12 o’clock yesterday?

4. _____ your father ______ a book at 9 o’clock?

5. _____ the children ______ football at 15.00?

6. _____ he ______ his car at 9.45?

7. _____ she _______ at the swimming pool at 12.30?

8. _____ Emily _____ lunch at 12.00?

9. _____ they _____ at 09.00 last night?

10. _____ you _____ in Canada in 1999?


Klik halaman selanjutnya untuk menuju exercise selanjutnya. Kamu harus menyelesaikan seluruh exercise untuk meraih badges “Past Continuous Tense Master”

Exercise! Past Continuous Tense Interogatif W/H

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini agar menjadi kalimat past continuous tense Interogatif W/H question yang tepat.

1. What ______ she ______ at 13.30 yesterday afternoon?

2. Why ____ your brother ______ his bicycle so fast?

3. What _____ they _____ at 10.30 last night?

4. What _____ he ______ at the costume party yesterday?

5. What ____ she _____ at 10 o’clock last night?

6. What ____ your brother ____ at 8 o’clock last night?

7. What ______ your mother and your sister cooking at 12.00?

8. What _____ the children ______ at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon?

9. Where _____ you _____ in 1998?

10. What ____ your sister ______  at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon?


Klik halaman selanjutnya untuk menuju exercise selanjutnya. Kamu harus menyelesaikan seluruh exercise untuk meraih badges “Past Continuous Tense Master”

 Exercise! Past Continuous Tense & Past Tense

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini agar menjadi kalimat gabungan past continuous tense dan past tense yang tepat.

1. What _______  when I _______ you?

2. My friends _______ math when I ________ yesterday.

3. It ________ when we ______ out.

4. You ________ basketball when I _______ you.

5. She ________ television when I ________ shopping.

6. My brother ________ at the bus stop when I ________ him this morning.

7. When you _______ me the news, I _______for my exams.

8. The children ________ when you _________ home.

9. My sister _______ a book when my brother _______  mineral water last night.

10. When they _________, Emily _________ dinner.


Klik halaman selanjutnya untuk menuju exercise selanjutnya. Kamu harus menyelesaikan seluruh exercise untuk meraih badges “Past Continuous Tense Master”

Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan

Positif vs Negatif vs Interogatif

Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini agar menjadi kalimat Past Continuous Tense positif, negatif, atau interogatif yang tepat.

1. Mr and Mrs Clark _________ around the park at 9.30 yesterday morning.

2. Can you tell me what _________ at 11 o’clock last night?

3. At 10 o’clock in the morning, they __________ football game.

4. When she _________ ready for work, her books fell down.

5. Yesterday morning at 8 o’clock, he __________ his suit.

6. At 9.45 in the morning, she ________ her bicycle.

7. What _________ at 5 o’clock in the morning?

8. Where __________ at 10 o’clock last night?

9. What _______  at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon?

10. I _________ dinner when she came.


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16 thoughts on “Rumus, Contoh, dan Latihan Soal Past Continuous Tense”

  1. sangat membantu, terimakasih. Tetap semangat belajar bahasa inggris biar jika ada vidio inggris tidak bilang “ngga bisa bahasa inggris”

  2. Terima kasih banyak ya, sangat membantu sekali. Jadi tahu penguasaan past continuous tense dan simple past tense, SUKSES TERUS BUAT 🙂

  3. wow i like this practice that make me more understand and to what extent my skill about this tense . Thank you

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