Pengertian, Fungsi, Macam, Contoh, Latihan Soal Diminutive

Exercise 3

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Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini.

1. A _____ is a young woman who is not married.

2. A _____ is statue which is small enough to stand on a table or shelf.

3. A very young plant which has grown from a seed is called _____ .

4. A model of the human body used for teaching medical or art students is called ____ .

5. A _____ is a small black creature with a large head and long tail which lives in water and develops into a  frog or toad.

6. A thin, flat, often square piece of hard material such as wood, stone, or metal is recognized as a ______ .

7. A small room or area used as a kitchen is called _______ .

8. A _____ is a young female horse.

9. A _____ is a small hill or mound.

10. A short form of a novel is known as ______ .


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