Pengertian, Fungsi, Tipe, Pola, Contoh Kalimat, dan Latihan Soal Elliptical Construction


Elliptical Construction merupakan proses penggabungan dua buah kalimat yang berbeda subject tetapi memiliki verb dan complement yang sama menjadi sebuah kalimat.


  • They go to school.
  • I go to school.
    → ketika digabung dengan menggunakan elliptical construction, menjadi
  • They go to school, and so do I.


Digunakannya Elliptical Construction dalam kalimat bertujuan agar tidak terjadi pengulangan kata yang dianggap tidak efektif.

Dengan adanya penggunaan Elliptical Construction ini, penyusunan kalimat menjadi lebih efektif dan sarat makna serta lebih singkat dan padat.


Ada tiga macam tipe elliptical construction, yaitu

  • elliptical construction positive (kalimat affirmative)
  • elliptical construction negative (kalimat negative)
  • elliptical construction contrary (kalimat affirmative dan negative dengan makna berlawanan)

Berikut masing-masing penjelasan yang disertai pola penyusunan dan contoh kalimatnya.

Positive (too & so)

Elliptical construction positive adalah proses penggabungan dua buah kalimat positif (affirmative) yang memiliki predikat (verb) yang sama dan objek dan pelengkap yang sama pula.

Elliptical construction positive ditandai dengan penggunaan too dan so


Pola penyusunan elliptical construction positive dengan too dan so

Affirmative sentence dengan be (am, is, are, was, were) (nominal)
Affirmative sentence  dengan beandSubject + to be + too
andso + to be + Subject


  • Emily is beautiful.
  • Cathy is beautiful.
    → Emily is beautiful, and Cathy is too
    → Emily is beautiful, and so is Cathy.
  • Clark is studying right now.
  • Ethan is studying right now.
    → Clark is studying right now, and Ethan is too.
    → Clark is studying right now, and so is Ethan.
Affirmative sentence dengan auxiliary atau modal
Affirmative sentence  dengan auxiliary/modalandSubject + auxiliary/modal + too
andso + auxiliary/modal + Subject


  • Emily can speak English.
  • Cathy can speak English.
    → Emily can speak English, and Cathy can too.
    → Emily can speak English, and so can Cathy.
  • Clark has finished his task.
  • Ethan has finished his task.
    → Clark has finished his task, and Ethan has too.
    → Clark has finished his task, and so has Ethan.
Affirmative sentence dengan verb selain be (verbal)
Affirmative sentence  dengan verb selain be (verbal)andSubject + do/does/did + too
andso +  do/does/did + Subject


  • Emily speaks English.
  • Cathy speaks English.
    → Emily speaks English, and Cathy does too.
    → Emily speaks English, and so does Cathy.

Negative (either & neither)

Elliptical construction negative adalah proses penggabungan dua buah kalimat negatif (negative) yang memiliki predikat (verb) yang sama dan objek dan pelengkap yang sama pula.

Elliptical construction negative ditandai dengan penggunaan either dan neither


Pola penyusunan elliptical construction negative dengan either dan neither

Negative sentence dengan be (am, is, are, was, were) (nominal)
Negative sentence  dengan beandSubject + to be + not + either
andneither + to be + Subject


  • Emily is not a teacher.
  • Cathy is not a teacher.
    → Emily is not a teacher, and Cathy is not either.
    → Emily is not a teacher, and neither is Cathy.
Negative sentence dengan auxiliary/modal
Negative sentence  dengan auxiliary/modalandSubject + auxiliary/modal + not + either
andneither + to be + Subject


  • Emily can’t speak English.
  • Cathy can’t speak English.
    → Emily can’t speak English, and Cathy can’t either.
    → Emily can’t speak English, and neither can Cathy.
Negative sentence dengan verb selain be (verbal)
Negative sentence  dengan verb selain beandSubject + do/does/did + not + either
andneither + do/does/did + Subject


  • Emily doesn’t speak English.
  • Cathy doesn’t speak English.
    → Emily doesn’t speak English, and Cathy doesn’t either.
    → Emily doesn’t speak English, and neither does Cathy.

Contrary (but)

Elliptical construction contrary adalah proses penggabungan dua buah kalimat yang tidak setara, jika satu kalimat positif (affirmative) maka kalimat yang lain adalah kalimat negatif (negative)

Elliptical construction contrary ditandai dengan penggunaan but


Pola penyusunan elliptical construction contrary dengan but

Negative sentencebut

Positive sentence:

Subject + be/auxiliary/modal/(do/does/did)

Positive sentencebut

Negative sentence:

Subject + be/auxiliary/modal/(do/does/did) + not


  • I am not good in Math.
  • She is good in Math.
    I am not good in Math, but she is.
  • I wrote a letter yesterday.
  • He didn’t write a letter yesterday.
    I wrote a letter yesterday, but he didn’t.

Latihan Soal

Exercise 1

Manakah yang termasuk Elliptical construction?

1. They are going to the beach, and so are we.

2. We visited a few galleries while we were in France.

3. My grandfather is getting old and can’t hear very well.

4. Claire was not studying last night, and neither was Cathy.

5. Ethan was not happy about that, and neither was I.

6. He has not had a breakfast, but I have.

7. She fell into a lovely deep sleep.

8. Yeremy is smart, and his brother is too.

9. We had a short walk after lunch.

10. He bought some flowers  for his mother.


Exercise 2

Tentukan tipe dari Elliptical construction di bawah ini.

1. I don’t eat meat and my husband doesn’t either.

2. My grandmother is so kind, and so is my grandfather.

3. I love chocolate, and she does too.

4. I speak English fluently, but she doesn’t.

5. They ride bicycle to their campus, and so do I.

6. He hadn’t finished his project, but I has.

7. They went to Dufan last week, but I didn’t.

8. I don’t want to go, and neither do Claire.

9. My father didn’t watch television yesterday, I didn’t either.

10. He didn’t attend the party, and neither did I.


Exercise 3

Isilah kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini dengan too, so, either, neither, atau but sesuai dengan pola yang terdapat pada Elliptical construction.

1. Yvone didn’t come to my wedding party last week, _____ Clark did.

2. They didn’t attend the class yesterday, and I didn’t ______ .

3. Clark don’t bring any money, and _____ do I.

4. Swimming needs a good stamina, and _____ does running.

5. We aren’t listening to the music, and the children aren’t ______ .

6. Edward went to a cinema last night, and Clark did _____.

7. Catherine didn’t like the movie, and ______ did her friends.

8. Emily loves swimming, and Ernie does ____.

9. Emily went to the museum last week, and _____ did I.

10. I like banana, _____ Emily don’t.


4.8/5 - (89 votes)

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3 thoughts on “Pengertian, Fungsi, Tipe, Pola, Contoh Kalimat, dan Latihan Soal Elliptical Construction”

  1. Kevin Aprilleo Mop

    Saya sangat berterimakasih, website ini sangat membantu saya dan sangat berguna bagi saya. Semoga website ilmu pengetahuan seperti ini semakin banyak.

  2. Izin bertanya, bagaimana dengan kalimat yang menggunakan “ought to”, apakah bisa dijadikan bentuk elliptical? Terimakasih.

  3. Terima kasih sebelumnya. Website sangat membantu dan menambah wawasan saya tentang eliptikal mulai dari penjelasannya dan soal soal latihannya. Pokoknya mantap…

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