Pengertian, Macam, dan Latihan Soal Finite dan Non-finite Verbs


Verb (kata kerja) dapat digolongkan menjadi finite dan non-finite. Berikut ini merupakan pengertian dari finite dan non-finite verbs.

Finite verbs

Finite verbs merupakan suatu bentuk kata kerja yang mengandung tenses: present atau past, dipengaruhi oleh agreement dengan subjeknya, juga dipengaruhi oleh number atau jumlah (singular/plural).


  • She goes to school.
    → kata goes merupakan finite verb karena digunakan dalam present tense dan terikat dengan subject she

Non-finite verbs

Non-finite verbs merupakan kebalikan dari Finite verbs, yaitu suatu bentuk kata kerja yang tidak mengandung tenses: present atau past.

Non-finite verbs tidak dapat berdiri sendiri seperti finite verb, oleh karenanya non-finite verb bisa diubah menjadi kata kerja yang berbentuk sebagai participle, gerund, infinitive (to  dan bare).


  • She asked me to send this letter.
    → kata to send merupakan non-finite verb karena tidak terikat tenses, juga memiliki tambahan particle to yang merupakan bentuk to infinitive


Berikut ini merupakan macam/tipe dari finite dan non-finite verbs.

Finite verbs

Finite verbs terbagi menjadi beberapa tipe dan dapat digunakan pada main clause atau subordinate clause dalam sebuah kalimat. Berikut tipe yang merupakan finite verbs.

transitive/intransitive verbs

Finite verbs dapat berupa transitive (butuh objek) atau intransitive verbs (tidak butuh objek)

transitive verb
  • I eat fried rice.
    eat merupakan transitive verb dan merupakan finite verb
intransitive verb
  • She always comes on time.
    comes merupakan intransitive verb dan merupakan finite verb

action & stative verbs

Finite verbs dapat berupa action (menyatakan aksi) atau stative verbs (menyatakan kondisi)

action verb
  • He jumps over the bridge.
    jumps merupakan action verb dan merupakan finite verb
stative verb
  • I love sunday.
    love merupakan stative verb dan merupakan finite verb

linking verbs

Finite verbs dapat berupa linking verb


  • My bags weigh 45kg.
    weigh merupakan linking verb dan merupakan finite verb

auxiliary verbs

Finite verbs dapat berupa auxiliary(is, are, do, does, did, may, might, etc).


  • She was waiting in the room.
    was merupakan finite verb, sedangkan waiting merupakan non-finite verb

Non-finite verbs

Non-Finite verbs terbagi menjadi beberapa tipe, yaitu


Non-finite verbs dapat berupa to infinitive atau bare infinitive

  • He wanted to find a solution.
    to find merupakan non-finite verb


Non-finite verbs dapat berupa gerund

  • Playing football is nice.
    playing merupakan non-finite verb


Present Participle

Present participle dapat berfungsi sebagai verb (membentuk continuous tense) dan adjective.

sebagai verb
  • He is crying.
    →  crying merupakan non-finite verb
sebagai adjective
  • This is interesting.
    →  interesting merupakan non-finite verb
Past Participle

Past participle dapat berfungsi sebagai verb (membentuk perfect tense  passive voice) dan adjective.

sebagai verb
  • He has visited Bali.
    →  visited merupakan non-finite verb
sebagai adjective
  • I am bored.
    →  bored merupakan non-finite verb

Latihan Soal

Exercise 1

Tentukan apakah kata yang digaris bawah termasuk finite atau non-finite verbs.

1. That cake smells good.

2. He asked me to call you.

3. Emily always sits on the front row.

4. My little brother wants to be a doctor.

5. The man runs to the store to get a gallon of milk.

6. The students were asked to submit the task.

7. We went to the zoo yesterday.

8. She studied hard to pass the test.

9. Cooking is difficult.

10. They always come late.


Exercise 2

Manakah yang termasuk finite verb?

1. We stopped at some nearby shops to buy some food.

2. I spoke to Emily last night.

3. We flew to Paris.

4. There are several places of interest to visit in the area.

5. I had something to eat before leaving.

6. They took out a $40000 mortgage to buy the house.

7. The teacher encouraged the students to work hard.

8. She opened the door.

9. We have enough time to visit Borobudur temple.

10. I think we will need to pay a builder to take this wall down.


Exercise 3

Manakah yang termasuk non-finite verb?

1. Clark really dislikes cleaning the cooker.

2. We persuaded them to join us.

3. Looking around, he noticed a letter on the floor.

4. To err is human.

5. Would you like to have lunch with me sometime?

6. She wanted him to wash his hands in the bathroom.

7. She tiptoed around the house so as not to wake anyone.

8. You need to paint the whole cupboard, starting from the bottom.

9. I like to get up early at the weekend.

10. I certainly wouldn’t want to see him again.


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