Pernah kesulitan membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan “be going to”?
Berikut 20 contoh kalimat menggunakan “be going to” dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
- My classmates and I are going to visit National Museum next week.
- The radio said it is going to be cloudy and rainy tomorrow.
- My sister told me that she was going to leave for Jakarta the day after tomorrow.
- My parents are going to send me to UK to continue my study.
- The students organization in my school is going to make a celebration for those who won English debate championship last month.
- My Math teacher said that he was going to give a quiz in the near future.
- I just met Tom, and he said that he was going to buy a new car.
- I’m going to meet Jack at the library at seven. We’re going to study together.
- Watch out! You’re going to hurt yourself.
- Mrs. Susan has resigned from this school. Who is going to be the new teacher?
- I’m going to enroll in the community college next month.
- I need to sharpen my skills so I’m going to take a course in word processing.
- Do you know which students organization you are going to be in the next term?
- My sister is going to be a wife next two months.
- My nephew is going to celebrate his birthday party at Nusantara restaurant.
- We are going to have our family trip in July.
- Frank is going to paint his bedroom tomorrow.
- The headmaster is going to visit our class the day after tomorrow so we should prepare everything.
- I feel so dizzy. I think I’m going to faint.
- We are going to solve this problem. The data have been in our hand. No need to worry.
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1 thought on “20 Contoh Kalimat “BE GOING TO””
Terimakasih atas jawabanya ,ini sangat berguna