Exercise! Perbedaan Penggunaan Hope dengan Wish

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Perbedaan Penggunaan Hope dengan Wish

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini.

1. I wish they _______ making so much noise so that I could concentrate.

2. Charles wished that he  ________ his vacation on the Bali Island next year.

3. They wish that they _______ to go to class today.

4. I wish that I ________ harder when I was at school.

5. We hope that you ______ the party last night.

6. They were stranded on the side of the mountain and ______ that the rescue team would reach them before nightfall.

7. She wishes that she _______ there.

8. Clark wished that the editors ________ him to copy some of their materials.

9. We wish that they he ______ old enough to come with us.

10. I _______ that you won't think me rude, but that red dress that you're wearing definitely doesn't suit you.


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