Exercise! Relative Clauses: Who / Whom

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Relative Clauses: Who / Whom

Pilihlah mana yang paling tepat antara who/whom untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini.

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1. I saw the man _____ closed the door.

2. I liked the woman _____ I met at the party last night.

3. The students _____ sits next to me is from Japan.

4. I thanked the woman _____ helped me.

5. That is the man _____ used to live next door to us.

6. She is the woman about _____ I told you.

7. The people _____ we visited were very nice.

8. The taxi driver _____ took me to the airport was friendly.

9. Have you seen those people ____ we met on holiday?

10. The man _____ I saw was Mr. Clark.


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