Kumpulan Cerita Pendek Bahasa Inggris – Di artikel kali ini, kita akan membahas materi yang ringan nih. Kita akan membahas mengenai cerita pendek bahasa Inggris. Cerita-cerita ini pendek dan sederhana, jadi pasti mudah dipahami oleh Kawan YEC. Tak lupa, ada pula pesan moral atau moral of the story yang bisa dipetik dari setiap cerita.
Oke, tanpa berlama-lama, langsung saja yuk kita simak kumpulan cerita pendek bahasa Inggris berikut ini!
Cerita Pendek Bahasa Inggris The Dog and The Bone
Once there was a dog who wandered the streets night and day in search of food. One day, he found a big juicy bone and he immediately grabbed it between his mouth and took it home. On his way home, he crossed a river and saw another dog who also had a bone in its mouth. He wanted that bone for himself too. But as he opened his mouth, the bone he was biting fell into the river and sank. That night, he went home hungry.
Pesan moral: Jika kita iri dengan berkah orang lain, kita bisa kehilangan berkah yang kita miliki.
Cerita Pendek Bahasa Inggris The Thirsty Crow
After flying a long distance, a thirsty crow was wandering the forest in search of water. Finally, he saw a pot half-filled with water. He tried to drink from it but his beak wasn’t long enough to reach the water inside. He then saw pebbles on the ground and one by one, he put them in the pot until the water rose to the brim. The crow then hastily drank from it and quenched his thirst.
Pesan moral: Di mana ada kemauan, di situ ada jalan.
Lazy John
There was a boy named John who was so lazy, he couldn’t even bother to change his clothes. One day, he saw that the apple tree in their yard was full of fruits. He wanted to eat some apples but he was too lazy to climb the tree and take the fruits. So he lay down underneath the tree and waited for the fruits to fall off. John waited and waited until he was very hungry but the apples never fell.
Pesan moral: Kemalasan tidak akan membuat kita maju atau meraih prestasi.
The Ant and The Grasshopper
The ant and the grasshopper were good friends. In the summer, the ant works hard to fill his storage with food. While the grasshopper was enjoying the fine weather and playing all day. When winter came, the ant was lying cozily in his home surrounded by the food he stored during the summer. While the grasshopper was in his home, hungry and freezing. He asked the ant for food and the ant gave him some. But it wasn’t enough to last the entire winter. When he tried to ask the ant again, the latter replied: “I’m sorry my friend but my food is just enough for my family to last until the end of winter. If I give you more, we too will starve. We had the entire summer to prepare for the winter but you chose to play instead.”
Pesan moral: Selagi ada kesempatan, kerjakan apa yang perlu dikerjakan sehingga ketika situasi yang sulit datang, kita sudah siap.
Meeting God
A little boy wanted to meet God. So, he packed his lunch with cake and some orange juice and set on his expedition with the hope to meet God.
After some time, he came across a park where he saw an old woman sitting on the bench. She looked upset. The kid went to him and offered her some cake. She smiled and the kid found her smile very beautiful. Therefore, he offered her juice too, only to see her smile again. Both of them felt so happy.
The kid came back home with a wide smile on his face. On being asked by his mother about his happiness, he answered, “Today I shared my lunch with God, she has the most beautiful smile.”
When the old lady reached home, her son asked, “Why are you so happy mother?” She replied, “I ate cake with God in the park. He is much younger than I expected.”
Pesan moral: Tuhan ada di mana-mana dan terlihat ketika kamu membahagiakan orang lain.
Demikianlah, Kawan YEC, kumpulan cerita pendek bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu baca. Membaca kumpulan cerita pendek bahasa Inggris akan membuat kita mengenal beberapa hal sekaligus. Beberapa hal itu adalah kosakata (vocabulary), tata bahasa (grammar), dan kemampuan membaca (reading comprehension). Jadi, seperti peribahasa sekali mendayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui, Kawan YEC bisa belajar secara otodidak mengenai berbagai hal sekaligus dalam sekali jalan!
Yuk akses kumpulan materi bahasa Inggri lainnya di Latihan Bahasa Inggris Gratis
Belajar sendiri memang menyenangkan, karena kita jadi bisa mengetahui berbagai hal dengan penemuan kita sendiri. Namun, terkadang terdapat batasan dalam belajar otodidak, yaitu kita tidak bisa mengetahui mana yang benar dan mana yang salah. Untuk itu, diperlukan guru atau tutor dalam belajar. Keberadaan tutor sangat membantu siswa-siswa yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing secara efektif dan efisien.
Untuk kamu yang ingin belajar bahasa Inggris dengan efektif dan efisien, YEC bisa membantu kamu.
Di YEC, kamu bisa memahami dasar-dasar dalam bahasa Inggris hanya dalam 10 hari saja. Di “Kelas Bahasa Inggris Dasar”, kamu bisa meningkatkan penguasaan grammar reading, vocabulary, listening, dan short expressions, didampingi oleh tutor berpengalaman. KLIK DI SINI untuk daftar Kelas Bahasa Inggris untuk Mahasiswa dan dapatkan harga diskon!