Penggunaan Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives, Double Comparatives, dan No Sooner

Apakah kamu sedang mencari tahu tentang:

  • contoh kalimat superlative
  • contoh kalimat double comparative
  • contoh degree of comparison positive comparative superlative
  • double comparatives and superlatives

Di bawah ini merupakan penjelasan mengenai penggunaan Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives, Double Comparatives, dan No Sooner lengkap dengan contoh kalimat dan latihan soalnya.


The Positive menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbandingan. Digunakan hanya untuk menjelaskan/memberi informasi tambahan saja tentang seseorang atau sesuatu.

Contoh: The house is big. The flowers are fragrant.

Equal Comparison

Digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa dua benda(orang/bentuk/etc) adalah sama/tidak sama.

subject   + verb +   as + adj/adv   + as + noun/pronoun

Contoh: He is as tall as his father. He is not as tall as his father.

He is not so tall as his father. (so bisa menggantikan as pada negative equal comparison)

Pattern di bawah ini juga bisa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan ide yang sama dengan equal comparison.

subject   + verb +   the same + (noun)   + as + noun/pronoun

Contoh: My house is the same as his.    atau My house is as high as his.

Note: as high as sama arti dengan the same height as. Dan lawan dari the same as adalah different from.


The comparative memiliki dua entitas dan menunjukkan sesuatu itu lebih dari atau kurang dari diantara dua entitas tersebut.


  • My dog is smarter than yours.
  • Bob is more athletic than Richard.
  • Spinach is less appealing than carrots.

Kamu bisa membandingkan dua entitas tanpa menggunakan than dengan mengikuti pattern di bawah ini.

subject   + verb +   the + comparative   + of the two + (noun)


of the two   + (noun) +   subject + verb   + the + comparative


  • Yosephin is the smarter of the two boys.
  • Of the two shirts, this one is the prettier.
  • Please give me the smaller of the two pieces of cake.
  • Of the two books, this one is the more interesting.


The superlative, yang dibandingkan adalah tiga atau lebih entitas. Yang satu harus lebih superior daripada yang lainnya. Untuk lebih jelas pelajari pattern di bawah ini.

adjective + est      

subject   + verb +   the + most + adjective    + in + singular count noun least + adjective           of + plural count noun


  • Claire is the tallest girl in the family.
  • These shoes are the least expensive off all.
  • Of the three shirts, this one is the prettiest.
Remember! 2 entitas – comparative 3 atau lebih – superlative

Adverb biasanya tidak diikuti oleh -er / -est, tetapi dibandingkan dengan menambah  more / less utuk comparative degree, dan dengan menambah most / least untuk superlative degree.

Contoh: Sal drove more cautiously than Bob.

– That child behaves the most carelessly of all.

Double Comparative

Dua clausa yang keduanya memiliki bentuk comparative.

the  + comparative  + subject + verb  + the + comparative  + subject + verb


  • The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel.
  • The sooner you take your medicine, the better you will feel.

Bisa juga dengan menggunakan pattern berikut ini:

the more  + subject  + verb + the  + comparative +  subject + verb


  • The more you study, the smarter you will become.
  • The more he rowed the boat, the farther away he got.

No Sooner

Jika no sooner terdapat pada awal kalimat, maka than harus mengawali klausa kedua. Auxiliary mendahului subject.

no sooner  + auxiliary  + subject + verb  + that + subject +  verb
  • No sooner had we started out for California that it started to rain.
  • No sooner will he arrive than he will want to leave.

Kerjakan latihan soal di bawah ini agar kamu lebih memahami materi diatas.

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Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini.

1. Claire’s car is _________ than Ethan’s.

2. Of the four dresses, I like the red one _________ .

3. Of the two landscapes that you have shown me, this one is_____________ .

4. Jane is _________ athletic of all the women.

5. _____________ the buliding than she felt the presence of somebody else.

6. This painting is ____________ than the one in the other gallery.

7. Your heritage is different __________ mine.

8. ________ we flew, _________ Edna felt.

9. The museum is ___________ away of the three buildings.

10. Yerry plays ____________ of all.


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