Perbedaan Say dan Tell

Ingin tahu tentang:

  • perbedaan say dan said
  • when to use said and told
  • contoh kalimat say dan tell

Di bawah ini merupakan materi mengenai perbedaan say dan tell lengkap dengan contoh kalimat dan latihan soalnya.

Say dan tell memiliki makna yang sama, meskipun demikian, penggunaannya dalam grammar berbeda.

Jika dalam kalimat terdapat indirect object, kita menggunakan tell.
Dan jika tidak terdapat indirect object maka kita gunakan say.

  • Pola kalimat say
Subject  + say +  (that) + subject  + verb . . .


  • Pola kalimat tell
Subject  + tell +  indirect object  + (that) + subject  + verb . . .

Tell bisa langsung diikuti oleh direct object. Gunakan tell sebelum daftar kata dibawah ini entah ada indirect object atau tidak.

  • tell : a story, a joke, a secret, a lie, the truth, (the) line

Note: Jangan lupa gunakan bentuk tenses yang sesuai pada saat menggunakan say dan tell dalam kalimat.

Contoh Kalimat:

  • say
    – He says that he is busy today.
    – He says that he will be busy today.
    – He said that he was busy.
    – He said that he would be busy.
  • tell
    – I tell her that I love her.
    – He tells a story.
    – He tells a joke.
    – He tells the truth.

Sekarang kamu sudah tahu tentang penggunaan say dan tell. Untuk lebih memahami materi ini, kerjakan juga latihan soalnya.

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1. Who _______ that he was going to Los Angeles?

2. Clark _______ he would take us on a picnic today.

3. Did you _______ anyone that you were coming to see me?

4. Emily _______ that she will make the dessert for the party.

5. The little boy was punished because he ________ a lie.

6. What time did you _______ that the lecture had begun?

7. Ethan _______ that he could play piano.

8. The doctors _______ that it will take him a few weeks to recover.

9. The comedian always _______ his friends jokes when he is at a party.

10. No one _______ me she is ill.


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