Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Positif vs Negatif vs Interogatif

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Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini agar menjadi kalimat Future Continuous Tense positif, negatif, atau interogatif yang tepat.

1. This time tomorrow, we ___________ on the beach.

2. Emily ___________ at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.

3. The children ___________ when you come.

4. Will you _________ at my birthday party next week?

5. Will you _________ of when I go into hospital?

6. I ____________ the car tomorrow, so you can have it if you want.

7. She ____________ the football match tomorrow afternoon, so she can’t come to your house around until the evening.

8. Our friends __________ fried chicken when we arrive.

9. My friend and I ___________ at the Sanur beach tomorrow morning.

10. My father ___________ at his office when you arrive.


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