Pengertian, Macam, Contoh Kalimat, dan Latihan Soal Compound Connector

Exercise 2

Tentukan pasangan correlative conjunction yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini.

1. Either I ____ my friend wants to see the film.

2. _____ Dennis nor his friends play football.

3. My son is _____ clever but also diligent.

4. My cousin ______ plays the piano but also writes the song.

5. _____ my mother and my father want me to be a doctor.

6. Neither Clark _____ Emily wants to play this song.

7. Both Clark _____ Charlie will go to the restaurant.

8. _____ Nova and her partner is coming to the party.

9. ______ Carlo nor Juan saw what had happened.

10. Emma is not only beautiful ______ talented.


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