Perbedaan Past Continuous (I was doing) dan Simple Past (I did)

Apakah kamu sedang mencari tahu tentang:

  • perbedaan simple past dan past continuous
  • contoh simple past vs past continuous
  • contoh kalimat gabungan simple past dan past continuous
  • past simple vs past continuous exercise

Di bawah ini merupakan penjelasan lengkap beserta contoh kalimat dan latihan soal mengenai simple past dan past continuous tense.


Penggunaan paling umum dari Past Continuous adalah menyatakan atau berbicara tentang sesuatu yang terjadi di sekitar waktu tertentu.  (Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung, tetapi pada waktu lampau)

Pola kalimat Past Continuous adalah:

  • (positif) : Subjek  + to be past ( was/were)  + present participle ( Ving)
  • (negatif) :  Subjek  + to be past ( was/were) +  not + present participle ( Ving)
  • (Kalimat tanya): to be past ( was/were)  + Subjek + present participle (Ving)
    • What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night? I was watching televesion.
      (I started watching television before 8 o’clock and I continued watching it after 8 o’clock.)
      (Saya mulai menonton televisi sebelum jam 8 dan saya terus menontonnya setelah jam 8)
    • In 1999 he was working in a small town in Sumatera.
    • At 6 o’clock on Saturday morning we were travelling to the train station.

Past Continuous dan Past Simple sering digunakan secara bersamaan. Ketika digunakan secara bersamaan, Past Continuous menggambarkan tindakan yang lebih lama, dan merupakan ‘latar belakang’ dari suatu kejadian/peristiwa, sementara past simple menggambarkan kejadian/peristiwanya.

  • When I woke up this morning it was raining and my sister was singing in the kitchen.
  • I was walking home, whistling happily, when I saw two motorcycles crushed at the road next to me.

Seringkali, tindakan/kejadian yang digambarkan oleh Past Tense mengganggu situasi yang sedang berlangsung yang digambarkan oleh Past Continuous.

  • I broke my leg when I was skiing.
  • I was playing a mobile game when the doorbell rang.

(Kedua kejadian diatas terjadi saat mereka sedang skiing dan playing)


Perhatikan juga perbedaan penting antara dua kalimat ini.

  • When they arrived, Bill was cooking dinner.

(Bill started cooking before they arrived.)

(Bill sudah mulai memasak sebelum mereka datang)

  • When they arrived, Bill cooked dinner.

(Bill started cooking dinner after they arrived)

(Bill baru mulai memasak setelah mereka datang)

Nah sudah jelas kan perbedaan penggunaan antara Simple Past dan  Past Continuous. Sekarang coba kerjakan exercise di bawah ini supaya kamu lebih paham tentang perbedaan penggunaan antara Simple Past dan  Past Continuous.

Pilihlah jawabah yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat- kalimat rumpang di bawah ini.

1. You ___________ (work) as a waitress in a cocktail bar, when I _______ (meet) you.

2. The day I _________ (hear) the news, I __________ (study) for my midtest.

3. I ___________ (walk) down the street when it ___________ (begin) to rain.

4. While Ben ___________ (shovel) snow from his driveway yesterday, his wife ________ (bring) him a cup of hot chocolate.

5. What _____________ (you/do) when the phone  _________ (ring) ?

6. While I ___________ (study) in one room of our apartment, my roommate __________ (have)  a party in the other room.

7. As soon as I ___________ (hear) the news I __________ (call) my mom.

8. Tajib ___________ (climb) the stairs when he __________ (trip) and _________ (fall).

9. Hi Diana, can you tell me what you __________ (do) at 10 o’clock last night?

10. I ___________ (slip) on the ice while I ___________ (cross) the street in front of the dorm yesterday.


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